地域住民 x 観光客
インバウンド x 国内観光客
アナログ x デジタル
東京都出身 一橋大学社会学部社会学科卒
2023年4月より京都大学経営管理大学院 観光経営科学コースに在籍
2024年1月 観光戦略ファーム株式会社KICKs設立、同社代表
日本トイレ協会 会員番号4063 (日本トイレ協会HP: https://j-toilet.com/)
note: おもてなしを学ぶ/株式会社KICKs
【KAFM-WJ035】観光産業と企業形態(老舗・上場)との相関分析例 -3x3 マトリクスによる整理-
Our Passion
Born and raised in Tokyo, I worked for a foreign IT company after graduating from university. While working as a salaried employee, I was always fascinated by the fascinating climates of the various regions I visited during my vacation trips to Japan, but at the same time, I saw shuttered shopping streets and vacant houses, which made me feel a sense of crisis in the local economy.
Wanting to see if Japan, with its world-renowned tourism resources, could promote local economies through tourism, I left the company in March 2023, enrolled in Kyoto University's MBA program in Tourism Management in April of the same year, and founded this company in 2024.
Local residents x Tourists
Inbound x Domestic Tourists
Analog x Digital
In the tourism industry, which is faced with the conflicting issues of "analog" and "digital," creative problem-solving tourism, or tourism innovation, is required.
We are committed to solving the various problems facing tourism, such as labor shortage, low wages, and overtourism, and to reviving local communities.
Tokyo, Japan
Undergraduate: Hitotsubashi University, Social Sciences
Worked at Amazon Japan, Customer Service, in charge of quality control, business strategy, and team management until March 2023. From April 2023, enrolled in Graduate School of Kyoto University MBA, Tourism Management. On April 2024, established KICKs Inc., a tourism startegy firm.
Certified Public Accountant for WA, United States